Warm weather, humidity and sun. Isle Holbox in February and March is typically 75°-80° during the day and night. Below is a list of items I recommend for fishing and for hanging around town. Let me know if you have any questions. Be sure to check out the Resources page for links to companies and items.
recommended gear
In the Boat:
Lightweight Pants/Shorts
Lightweight Long Sleeves
Lip Balm
Sun Gloves are not a bad idea
You can bring rain gear if you like. It warm enough that if you get wet, you get wet (personal preference)
SPF 60+
Insect Repellant
Polarized Sunglasses
Waterproof Boat Bag
Ziplock baggies are good to keep things dry like phone/wallet etc…
Rods: 9 foot 9wt or 10wt rods will do great. Check out the resources page for some suggestions and also a great place to rent gear!
Reels: Large arbor reels with a good drag system to match your rod. You will use the drag!
Line: Grand Slam by SA, Orvis Pro Saltwater, Airflo Tropical Punch
Leader: We will build leaders. They are typically 30lb/40lb/50lb mono leaders. If you want to bring spools I recommend Hatch or Orvis. SA also makes a solid Shock Tippet in 35lb and 40lb.
Favorite Colors Black, Purple, Olive, Red, Yellow, Chartreuse
EP Tarpon Bunny
Boca Grande Tarpon
EP Tarpon Streamer
Tarpon Tiger
* I will be offering our crew a discount on my custom flies if you are interested. Also check out the resources page for links to good places to purchase flies and materials.